Welcome to Vilimbu

Asset tracking & monitoring

Asset tracking & monitoring

With Vilimbu, intelligent asset tracking is unlocking new insights in supply chain, logistics, agriculture and other industries where sensor, audio and vision data can be used to provide more contextual awareness to assets.

Transforming data at the source of collection minimizes latency and enables optimized processing for time-critical applications.

Asset or parcel tracking

Give an asset context to where it is in the overall supply chain through analysis of real-time sensor data, to ensure more on-time deliveries.

Smart animal tracking

Analyze animal behavior with low-power wearables in real-time using motion, audio and computer vision.

Animal health monitoring

Ensure healthy livestock using biometric sensors for body temperature and heart rate to detect early diseases or health issues.

Audio-based crime monitoring

Improve public safety by equipping city infrastructure with smart acoustic sensors which can perform gunshot and other noise detection.

Asset Management for Small Businesses (Education, Construction,  Non-Profit)

One of the most effective strategies for startup survival is to live like a pauper – to save, save, save, even if you feel that business is going well. And one of the most innovative ways to do that is to take care of your fixed assets.

Fixed assets, of course, are tangible items or property leased or purchased for long-term use which help the organization conduct its business. They’re not sold for profit; they help the small business make a profit. Common examples include office space, office furniture, IT equipment, machines, tools, office supplies, company-owned vehicles, and more. All of these items have value and depreciate over time. Keeping track of how many fixed assets they own, the condition those items are in, and where they’re located is in the small business’s interest because proper management can save the company significant money and time.

Benefits of Improving  Asset Management

  • Increased Productivity
  • Better Forecasting
  • Reduced Duplicate Purchases
  • Scalable Asset Management
  • Accurate Tracking
  • Cloud-enabled Access

1 Comment

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