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Manufacturing more efficiently

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Edge AI use cases in industries are wide ranging, from quality control in manufacturing lines to safety monitoring of human-machine interaction. These applications need fast, low latency inference without compromising on accuracy.

20% of leading manufacturers will rely on embedded intelligence by 2021. AI, IoT and blockchain applications are expected to increase execution times by up to 25%.
Source: IDC

Local AI can maximize throughput and increase safety in manufacturing processes.


Imagine spotting defects the human eye can’t see.

Quality control in manufacturing can be complex, especially where high precision is needed. Components defects are difficult or impossible for human eyes to see, which makes the error rate on this type of inspection very high.

Missing defects can be costly and industries are deploying local AI at a rapid pace. Vilimbu can enable visual inspection systems that can detect faults with high accuracy in situations where human vision falls short.


Imagine extending the operating life of expensive machines.

Downtime of a production line or critical machine can lead to slower production, costly repairs, or even catastrophic failure.

With Vilimbu, equipment manufacturers can incorporate features that monitor and analyze machine behavior and warn of impending failures. That can inform a system of predictive maintenance to avoid expensive downtime.


Imagine a worksite that can see accidents before they happen.

Many worksite injuries are due to preventable accidents — workers falling, failing to see heavy equipment, or failing to be seen by machinery.

Using Vilimbu AI/IoT platform enabled cameras and other local sensors monitoring a job site, operators can give robots and vehicles the ability to operate safely alongside human workers, preventing collisions and making collaborative work with machines a reality.

Incident and avoidance data pooled into predictive models allow site managers to anticipate activities that may prove dangerous and make process changes.

1 Comment

  1. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took.

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