Welcome to Vilimbu

Digital Twin

Digital Twins Technology — Visualize Your Future

What Is a Digital Twin?

Vilimbu Digital Twins is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables you to create a digital representation of physical object, business processes, and people. It uses real-time data, simulations, algorithms, and machine learning to help you drive better products, optimize operations and costs, and create breakthrough customer experiences. Digital Twins are cheaper than actual prototypes and allow teams to run thousands of simulations using sour platform.

What Are the Types of Digital Twins?

There are various different types of digital twins such as component, asset, system and process twins.

  • Component twins are created for individual components of a system, such as a sensor or actuator. By simulating the behavior of the component using our platform, you can test how changes to the component would affect the rest of the system.
  • Asset twins are digital replicas of physical assets, can be used to track the location and condition of the asset, and to predict when maintenance will be required. 
  • System twins monitor the behavior of complex systems, such as power grids or transportation networks. 
  • Process twins are digital replicas of business processes, such as the process of manufacturing a product. Process twins can be used to optimize the process, and to identify bottlenecks or other issues. 


  • State of the model
  • State history
  • Real-time state attribute updates
  • State change notifications
  • Model representation
  • Delta state queries

Digital Twin:

  • Device / Machine connects over some of industrial protocols (e.g. MQTT or OPC-UA)
  • After authorization, Digital Twin service updates virtual device representation with data from physical device
  • Notifications and messages are published on NATS message broker
  • System collects events, logs and metrics in a distributed manner
  • Why choose our services in your business?
    • We are your committed partner
    • On time and on budget - We offer you the chance to start fast with a pilot program or with phased deployments

    • Superior technology makes the difference